665 research outputs found

    An Unsustainable Process: A Proposal to Expand Work Authorization to Prospective Asylees

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    In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly recognized the universal right of safety from persecution for the first time in history. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a response to the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust and set out fundamental human rights that states ought to protect. Among them, the right to seek asylum – or safety from persecution. This right was enshrined in the 1951 Refugee Convention and again in the 1967 Protocol. The core principle of this right is non-refoulment: a refugee should not be returned to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom. This principle was codified in United States’ federal law with the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980, when the aftermath of the Vietnam War prompted American legislators to grapple with how to respond to hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and Cambodians seeking relief from political chaos and physical harm. As of this writing, there is a backlog of least 1,565,966 individuals awaiting asylum hearings in the United States. To be eligible for asylum, an applicant must meet the definition of “refugee” in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). A refugee must prove that they face persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. A person who believes they qualify as a refugee may seek asylum in the U.S. by arriving at a U.S. border and asking to be screened by a U.S. official at a port of entry, or by entering the U.S. without inspection and claiming they fear persecution. This post was originally published on the Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice website on March 6, 2023. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above

    As redes sociais e a cor dos seus logótipos

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    This article seeks to briefly reflect on the role of social networks in contemporary platforms while that started to encourage new communicative practices. The phenomenon of social networks is transverse to the individual and organizations, fostering substantial changes in everyday life. Compression of space and time, the world is globalized. On the one hand, be on the network assumes that companies exist in cyberspace, sine qua non, to become more competitive, however, the social networks themselves compete with eachother in order to gain and retain more adherents. We also seek to reflect on the importance of color in the creation of logos, one of the elements of the brand. It is known that the use of color by businesses is a means to convey a series of subliminal messages that are crucial to the way they want to be perspectivated by consumers

    Improving productivity and standard time updating in an industrial company - A case study

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    Today’s marketplace imposes ever-tightening product pricing and quality requirements, shorter delivery times, and increasingly customized products. With increasing competition in today’s global market, companies are increasingly pressured to improve the performance of their production systems in order to be more competitive and improve market share. In order to try to satisfy these requirements several companies seek for the application of methodologies that may enable them to respond to these challenges, such as the ones based on the Lean Manufacturing philosophy. In this work standard times of four extruders are determined and updated in the context of setup time’s analysis and minimization in a company, in Portugal. First, a diagnosis is made to the tire floor extrusion process in order to evaluate all of its inefficiencies with the greatest impact on the production process, after the standard time of each extruder is analysed and updated through an extended approach which does also consider setup times reduction, along with the production times, for reaching a higher process optimization rate and productivity in the underlying production system.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technlology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A coerência da imagem da marca: o caso Gucci

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    In this article we want to show how the eighties continued to mirror the progress of major holding companies, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures of products, the uncontrolled increase of the licensing system, the emergence of new brands. Our study focuses on Gucci, which in the late eighties was in financial disruption, going through a very troubled phase, which settled into many errors of the brand management, for example, a licensing policy that contributed to rampant speculation, and not always following the consistency of the brand. What path did it follow? What are the actors in this process? How was the brand repositioned? We also tried to focus on the new communication strategy of the Gucci Group, which capitalized the role of message’s consistency globally, the reacquisition of licensing systems, the manufacture of products, the investment in new products and stores and the acquisition of other brands’ portfolio

    Mathematical and computational modelling in matlab for the study of an ORC solar system

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    The main objective of this paper was to acquire the necessary thermodynamic knowledge in order to perform a thermodynamic and economic analysis of a solar ORC system of capacity of 10KW. For this, a model and computer program were developed in Matlab R2008a, version 7.6.0, which analyses the efficiency of the collector based on the gross solar radiation introduced and the efficiency of the ORC cycle against the power of the respective radiation. Based on the behaviour of the collector and the ORC cycle, the program returns as outputs the area and quantity of manifold required for the desired power. Through this study it can be concluded that for the best scenario, the collector area required is 1044.1 m2 and collector 590 respectively. The annual profit is 48360€/year and an 8 year payback for the initial investment with the vacuum tube collectors.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceção infantil dos logótipos: cores

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    This paper presents a study conducted to determine what are the preferences of children between 3 and 6 years old in regard to color. There are many factors which influence and support the child's recognition and memory of a particular brand. In addition to the name, a brand is identified by visual elements such as the logo. The constituent aspects of the logo, such as color, can determine the success or failure of the brand. The study was supported on a questionnaire applied by the researcher, and designed as a visual game of cards. The chosen group was composed by children between 3 and 6 years of age, resident in Braga and the sample included 305 children. After collecting and analyzing data, it was found that young children prefer red and red-violet, and dark tones over light ones. Color choices are also influenced by childrens’ age and gender

    Who run the world? Girls!: o polêmico feminismo em Beyoncé Knowles

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    Estuda como o feminismo está presente na obra da cantora estadounidense Beyoncé Knowles. O Feminismo é um tanto quanto necessário na nossa sociedade atualmente. A intenção é a de analisar tal causa a partir do momento em que ela é abordada por uma celebridade com influência global como é o caso de Beyoncé. Além disso, a cantora já sofreu diversas críticas por ser contraditória em seu ativismo, muitas vezes sendo chamada de feminista machista. Por isso, acredito ser importante discutir até que ponto o feminismo em Beyoncé é comprometido com milhares de mulheres que são influenciadas pela cantora e qual é o papel da mídia neste processo. A questão central aqui é a de discutir até que ponto ela se apropria de ideias e posturas do feminismo estadounidense para promover a sua obra e também se tal apropriação resulta de um real engajamento com a causa

    Perceção infantil dos logótipos: formas

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    This paper presents a study conducted to determine what are the preferences of children between 3 and 6 years old in regard to shape. There are many factors which influence and support the child's recognition and memory of a particular brand. In addition to the name, a brand is identified by visual elements such as the logo. The constituent aspects of the logo, such as shape, can determine the success or failure of the brand. The study was supported on a questionnaire applied by the researcher, and designed as a visual game of cards. The chosen group was composed by children between 3 and 6 years of age, resident in Braga. The sample included 305 children. After collecting and analyzing data, it was found that young children prefer irregular shapes such as heart, a star, a lightning and a cloud. Shape choices are also influenced by children’s’ age and gender

    Os efeitos de si em narrativas de vida

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    Nosso objetivo é observar os efeitos de narrativas de vida e a ironia presentes em um relatório de contas da Prefeitura de Palmeira dos Índios realizado por Graciliano Ramos. O documento representou um grande passo na carreira do autor, pois, foi devido à sua qualidade artística que o editor Schmidt convidou Ramos para publicar artigos e romances. Para alcançar nosso intuito, discorreremos sobre o recente conceito de efeitos de narrativa de vida desenvolvido por Machado (2015, 2016) sob o viés da Teoria Semiolinguística da Análise do Discurso. Nossa metodologia foi construída de forma a analisar trechos recortados do documento nos quais observamos a recorrência desses efeitos discursivos

    A inclusividade dos espaços de lazer infantil

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    Cada vez mais as ruas são vistas como lugares com perigos desconhecidos e com influências desagradáveis fazendo com que os adultos temam deixar os seus filhos brincarem nas mesmas. Neste sentido, a existência de espaços de lazer infantis torna-se cada vez mais importante. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a fase empírica inicial realizada no âmbito de um projeto de doutoramento. Procura-se fazer uma primeira observação e reflexão, não sistemática, sobre a forma como um conjunto diverso de espaços (localizados em aeroportos, hospitais, escolas, centro comerciais e espaços independentes) satisfazem ou não os sete princípios de um parque infantil inclusivo (Christensen, 2010). A observação e a análise tiveram como principal preocupação olhar atentamente as questões comunicacionais uma vez que é um ponto fulcral para a continuidade do projeto. Isto é, compreender a importância das questões comunicacionais e a inclusividade dos espaços. Este processo foi realizado através do método observacional auxiliado por uma grelha estruturada consoante as categorias definidas por Mazzilli (2007): a afetiva, a funcional/atividades e a perceptiva/espaço visual